
By : Prolite Autoglo

Consumerism is the new age mantra. Order online, get home delivery, enjoy. Modern day society has been consumed by consumerism. But consumerism can ‘consume’ you too if you don’t realize its inherent limitations. Not too long ago, a ghastly acid attack was in national news where a girl was defaced by miscreants. It was found that the acid had been sourced via Amazon. This raised a hue and cry on rampant online sourcing of anything and everything.


In birthday parties and even kitty parties, the popular game of ‘Pin the tail on the donkey’ remains hugely popular where blindfolded participants take turns to pin the tail on a picture of a tailless donkey. Several people try and the one that gets closest to the spot where the tail belongs, wins a prize. But most people end up pinning it in weird parts or even outside the frame of the donkey itself and everyone gets to have a laugh.


Much the same way, but in a far more serious context, purchasing emergency lights and signages without knowing how and exactly where they are to be installed in any enclosed space, will end up making a fool of the buyer and putting the structure and its inhabitants at perpetual risk in case a fire or a blackout were to happen.


Prolite Autoglo is in the business of not just selling world class products conforming to the latest and most advanced prescribed specifications as per NBC, it also dispenses knowledge and information on safety and disaster related issues and offers pin-pointed consultancy on the numbers, types, sizes and precise locations of products to be installed depending on the nature of the premises in question.


Therefore, as an architect, or builder/developer or owner/tenant of any kind of enclosed premises, you need to get perfect exigency and site safety consultancy which Prolite’s team of experts are ready to offer. Prolite needs to be with you all the way along the journey to secure your premises absolutely as needed to conform with laws and regulations and ensure maximum utility of your products and thereby, maximum safety of life and limb in case the unthinkable were to happen.


That is precisely why we say “We don’t take it lightly” and frankly, you should not either. In fact, you cannot afford to do so in this case at least.