
By : Prolite Autoglo

Sometimes, the most innocuous and obvious things do not occur to us because we take it lightly. By now we are used to reading or knowing about fire accidents that happen around us through social media, newspaper reports or TV etc. They happen so often that we just browse the headlines, see the death count as a number and the cause of the accident. While in most cases, a short circuit or a casually thrown match or a spark may be reported as the reason for the accident, we tend to miss out on the lack of preventive measures and casual approach towards basic fire safety practices that actually result in most fatalities.

A fire may begin accidentally, but maximum loss of life and property that happens after that may be for entirely different reasons. National Building Code of India covers the detailed guidelines for construction, maintenance and fire safety of all structures. National Building Code of India is published by Bureau of Indian Standards and it is recommendatory document. Guidelines are issued to the States to incorporate the recommendations of National Building Code into their local building bylaws making the recommendations of National Building Code of India as mandatory requirement.

Fire accident casualties mostly happen because of lack of proper paraphernalia for   extinguishing an accidental fire. Also, non-conducting of fire drills and not training staff and people in responsible positions on use of extinguishers, first response essentials etc. result in slow and erroneous response tactics when the accident happens.

When a fire happens, the first response is vital and unless people present are aware, this first response is so slow that huge damages are bound to result. Listed are a few broad pointers:

Some basic measures to assess fire safety


  • Provide adequate alternative means of escape. ...
  • Outline clear pathways to exit doors. ...
  • Install smoke detection systems. ...
  • Maintain smoke suppression systems. ...
  • Conduct regular fire drills. ...
  • Use flame-retardant materials in interiors. ...
  • Make your office accessible to firefighters. ...
  • Keep the building plans handy.
  • Keep emergency exit clear and free from impediments
  • Ensure regular maintenance so that doors and windows don’t jam.

Emergency lights, smoke and fire resistant signages and exit markers, sprinklers, fire alarms, extinguishers etc. are mandatory and not optional measures for all enclosed constructions. It is FAILURE to ensure these basics that unnecessarily cost valuable lives in fire accidents.